Doug, the trailer donater, hooking it up to be pulled home. |
Trying to blend into mainstream society was awkward. Don't get me wrong I do my best to follow all laws, be kind and respectful to all that I meet, and give where I can. The hard part was being stuck in the city I was always looking for an excuse to be away from the little box I rented to live in and be out in the woods or at the water. Life feels like it happened at lightening speed those years and I quickly felt lost, alone and scared. Some hard choices had to be made and then things fell apart for a while. During the fall down the rabbit hole something just clicked. All the pieces of myself that I had secretly been collecting and hiding from ... well myself, just seemed to fall into place and there was this magical notion that I could do what I wanted. (okay it may not have been that great of imagery I may have just been at rock bottom taking a super hot shower overly hating myself and it kinda sneaked up behind me and slapped me in the face but the former just sounds more intriguing doesn't it?)
I can do whatever I want for me.
Well couldn't I? I am always working hard for other people so they can do whatever they wanted, why couldn't I just do me? Great thought. It has been years of a journey but I think I am just now getting comfortable doing something that makes me happy. I don't stress out nearly as much while not everyday is ubberly happy I am happy everyday. There is always laughter. whether it's at me always something I said or hurt myself for the third time that day, kids there are plenty in and out of the house they get crazier everyday, or some other randomness going on its great fun.
Within that fun time I have found the confidence to build my own tiny house on wheels. So many people have thought I am crazy but the more research I do the more I feel that I can do it even if all that research makes it seem even more daunting with all the details and choices that can be made that in all reality I know to nothing about. Besides knowing that I didn't feel comfortable with anything under 18' or over 26', it would need two sleeping lofts, stairs that would double as more storage and area to house my sewing machine also useful for pets to climb, my bathroom some day double as a sauna, and my floors done in brown paper bag texture. I got that far, then totally discouraged. It was never going to happen. I told a friend about my crazy hair-brained idea and he loved it, setting it on fire.
I started researching more hounding craigslist and just talking to people about my dream of recycling to give homeless me a home that no one could take away. That's when the magic started. Friends started talking to friends and all of a sudden magic happened and I was given a travel trailer. Things are just speeding by since then. Started with a find on Cragslist for free partial board and other random wood items, next came some pallets, some reclaimed lumber, a stack of OSB. During this time we are slowly pulling the trailer apart to be able to recycle the metal and not make to bad of a mess. As the pile of wood grows and the trailer slowly comes apart time is speeding by and it hits me I have a lot that needs to be gathered and a ton that needs to be researched.
I pulled down this wall all by myself felt so good! |
Things that need to happen ASAP
- Floor plan
- Fully demoed trailer
- Gather more tools
- Research more power options
- Gather framing lumber
I am so happy that you found me and my little corner of the net I know next to nothing about this newfangled-thingy-ma-bobber called technology. Please bear with me as this is going to be one of those learn as I go things (hmm sounds like the rest of my life) I promise that I will make wildly inappropriate faux pas, incohesive, and funk-edified mistakes along the way. I blame this on being ADD, eccentric idiosyncrasies and well just me. The plus side I love learning new things. Better yet I love people who love to teach me new things because that is how I learn best: someone showing me while hands on. While you are here I hope you enjoy my little space maybe learn a little about tiny houses, living more simply, or just seizing the day. I would love to hear from you any comments, thoughts or questions I am a fairly open person and love getting to know others. So pull up a comfy chair and get ready to follow me on my next crazy ride I promise there will be laughter, great friends, amazing memories and maybe a few tears.