About my reclaimed life

tinyhouse,about me, simple life,funny,Reclaimedlife,child abuse survivor,dreams come true
I have risen from a long list of tragic stories to reclaim my life and build my dream of a tiny house with reclaimed goods. This blog is a live documentary as I build my dreams, reclaim my life and become even more infatuated with the life of dragonflies.

Some things you will learn about me along the way

*I love Dragonflies
the beauty of them floating by and their symbolism 
*I am a Mom
to two wonderful boys Monster (7) and Kanga (5)
*I am adopted
after 13 foster homes at the age of 18
* I love details
This is both a blessing and a curse
*I love the outdoors
camping, hiking, geocaching, fishing

*I love helping others
 I thrive on it. In fact after I have built my house I want to help others do the same.
*I am a survivor  I survived years of physical, mental, and sexual abuse at the hands of my bio-parents. Then  molested by a neighborhood boy. Years later I was subject to domestic abuse,
*I am crafty 
I love to sew and would love to become proficient at several other crafty hobbies IE soap-making, crocheting, whittling  (the list could continue)
*I need to learn how to ask for help 
this is a struggle
*I have never built a house or project this large
I am a quick learner, have a basic training of construction and have wonderful friends to help



  1. http://tinyhouseblog.com

    Hi there! 
    I just started following u on Instagram (wishthen) after doing a quick search for #tinyhouses. I didn't get too far on there however  because I saw your post, went through all your pictures like a crazy internet stalker (no worries, Im not!) and ended up here to your blog!! 
    Long story short... 
    YEA for YOU! Keep on keeping on...You are truly an inspiration~in many ways, and your handsome little guys are super lucky to have you for their momma!! 

    I became interested in this 'tiny house movement' a couple yrs ago when my home was foreclosed on (ex-husband was ordered in divorce to make make my payments as we had 4 kids together, he'd blown through all our $ during the divorce  process I hadn't worked outside the home since '91, lol! Yup, a lot more to that story, but I'll save for another day!) My kids and I were suddenly alone w/no income, had nowhere to go and no way to get there. 

    Thankfully, last second my family stepped in and helped get & move us into a small apt...but the idea of having a home that is really my own with the security of knowing it cant be taken away by anyone... 
    Well, for me it's a very far fetched dream right now with my particular circumstances...but I keep the fantasy just the same!! 

    As such, I have amassed a good amount of online resources pertaining to tiny houses-you may have already checked these out (or not) but I figured I'd pass along some good sites. 

    I've found a lot of information by what I call "link surfing"-checking out different "blogs that I'm following" links, 'resources' sections on these type of sites... digging further back to past posts, finding interesting stuff that may pertain more toward your specific type of project or getting ideas on different types of information you may need -like plumbing/power etc. And bookmarking them to death! (Sorry- I'm not sure if what I just wrote above even makes sense-I haven't had my coffee,lol!) 

    My 2nd husband and I have been separated since the foreclosure/eviction in Jan 2012 (another long story, but we get along great now that we don't live together!) He is a kind of 'survivalist' you  could say...and voluntarily set out in May 2012-first living in his pickup with a cab, moving up to a small slide-in camper throughout the winter months as a "Walmart Nomad" and this spring he purchased a $1500, 24' trailer he's parked on his uncles land for the moment just temporarily-till he can purchase his own and begin renovations to freedom :). He LOVES it!  
    And we've both realized there's a whole lot to learn...mostly 'as you go' type of stuff-for which my ability to research for him online has proved invaluable during the process. 

    So...I wish you well in reclaiming your life and look forward to 'virtually' living the dream with you!! 

    Heres a few links-very basic but when I dig into my bookmark folders and find anything good for you I'll send more along if you'd like!! 
    This first one is a page of links pertaining to different areas of tiny houses/tiny house building etc that is broken down into categories-food place to start digging ��


    And a tiny house PDF directory? ...haven't looked at this yet! http://www.tinyhouseblog.com/tiny-house-directory-v3.pdf
    Have fun! 

    1. Wow thank you. I have been a bad blogger and am just now reading your comment thank you it really touches me

  2. Ps-I apoligize for the many weird typos-i'm on my iPod and for some reason I cant do any edits! :)

  3. I will be following your build and journey.....Thank you for sharing!
