Sunday, August 4, 2013

Major Tiny House Distruction

Happy Fantastic Saturday everyone!(Well now its your Sunday but this was our busy Saturday) Our morning around here started kind of dreary full of rain and found a new leak in the trailer I am borrowing for a place to stay. After so much sunshine this summer I know the blackberries are thankful for the rain right at the peak ripening period but I did not enjoy waking up to the gray skies, I thought for sure the day would be lost as we got up and moving around. Oh how funny the twist of life. We found our way to Aurora Quality Buildings located in Marysville, Wa. Don't fret they can be found online as well at This place has been there for years. I always look over as I am passing by on I-5 but never had made the point to stop. I figured there would not be a better time than when I was starting my own tiny house build! So glad I got to stop in while most sheds or mini cabins where quite a bit larger and smaller than what I am planing to build it was great to see a staircase incredibly similar to the I want to install in my own tiny house to house my sewing madness. It was just fun to be able to walk through them and see the little details close up so that I could visualize more fully the different possibilities for my own tiny dream.
After an amazing lunch on the cheap from Winco smoked salmon with avocado, along with some humus and Blue Diamond Nut-Thins (have you tried these? they are amazing also gluten and dairy free) it was great. Feeling a little jealous? You should, it was as good as it sounds and it cost the same to have this amazing lunch as it would have been to have fast food meal. Once done eating lunch and enjoying the sun that had started to bake down on the car we got a move on to go window shop at Cabela's. See what a wonderful day it was playing in cabins and Cabela's added sunshine its great. 
Once home I decide there is a pile of wood that is not going to de-nail itself. I was doing it the hard way to start with. Plucking a piece haphazardly out of this large jumble and plopping it on top of the highest area of the pile leaning over and bang/prying nails out of them. I didn't realize how strong I was and managed to break a few in half, we can just keep it a secret that they were nearly rusted through right? Then picking them up and placing them in a pile. Handful in and my back was sore from the bending to pry and my forearms were sore from the abuse. My handyman Pat handed me a pair of nail biters at the same time a light clicked on in my head. I grabbed the table I had found inside the trailer itself and plied them up on top of there and began plucking out the nails. After a while I fell into a patterned assembly line and the pile of nailed wood shrunk. (which meant the de-nailed pile grew hehe) 
Right about the time that the pile I was digging through was impossible for my puny arms and I was sore the real distruction party got started! It started with one tiny worker ant intent on inflicting huge damage. Shoveling is the way to solve the siding project. Much larger surface than a typical pry bar. You can still see my overly refined graffiti art on door, OH!The talent! wink wink. I had a feeling this would not be adorning the trailer for much longer as to I could hear Pat on his way out across the yard following close behind I could hear The Boy chattering away. Two men set on distruction, the trailer had no idea what was coming. Appearing out of no where was a narrower shovel with a jagged blade. Unfortunately it was also about the same time my phone died and I got no pictures. Not long after Mindy is standing beside me asking where the heck was the sledge hammer she wanted to do some damage. On the hunt for a sledge hammer I went, and then the damage really began.

I got in on the fun as well but there is only a video :-/ once my phone was charged enough I grabbed some more pictures of random things that we found in the trailer or random fun details I love photography and have always had a problem with having a ton of photos of every thing I do. Does any one else deal with this same infliction?

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